Emoji Birthday Party #nottooold

Y’all… My birthday was last Wednesday. Although it pains me to say this, I turned… 28. I thought it would be a lot worse of a feeling, but thankfully, I just feel the same!

And, I also feel super loved. The reason for the sentiment is because of all of the amazing friends and family I have. Each year (starting with last) I throw a “GIRLS ONLY” sleepover party for my birthday. All my favorite girls come over for the night to watch rom-coms, get chatty, and snack on all-things bad for you, of course. Our significant others do whatever guys do when they get the night off (that would be fishing for my husband).

This year, I wanted to throw an Emoji party. I know what you are thinking… “This girl is going through a quarter life crisis.” However, I do not currently have little ones. And, I also can’t wait on those little ones to throw awesome birthday parties. So, I did it!

I checked out Pinterest for some great ideas that I could put my own spin on, and I think everyone loved it. So much. Check it out!

All of the Emoji decorations came from all over the place. The adorable pillow was found at Walmart for about five bucks! And, I found an Emoji poster at my school’s book fair. I cut all of them out and used them all over the house.

I absolutely cannot take all of the credit for these hysterical things coming up. My bakery friends at Publix created these little, Emoji poop cupcakes. They did such a good job, too. I simply drew on white M&M’s for their eyes. The girls got a huge kick out these. I am still LOLing over them.

Speaking of Publix… I get all of my flowers from here year-round. To match the décor, I picked up pink and red carnations and sprinkled in some white chrysanthemums throughout. #bestflowerever. As an accent, I cut out a couple of hashtags from leftover red, glitter paper from Valentine’s Day and hot glued them to some wooden dowels.

So, of course, I need to talk a little bit about the treats! I bought these fun cardboard food trays from Etsy last year. Inside, I put the personalized drink cup (I hate going to parties and losing my dang cup), a cup for all you can eat popcorn, and everyone’s favorite movie candy. I also found this delish raspberry sherbet punch from Natasha’s Kitchen. I put the vodka on the side just in case someone didn’t want it (…yeah right…).

Funny story. A few weeks ago, I volunteered at my sisters’ middle school prom chaperoning. (Oh, the awkward stories I could tell!...) At the end of the night, the cleanup crew (also known as teachers) started throwing out EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF DECORATION. I could have thrown up from the pain of seeing this happen. As soon as I saw someone starting to chunk out this oversized popcorn piece, I knew I had to rescue him. So, I used it at the party. And, it was amazing.

My favorite part of the night was watching “Now and Then” with all of my pretty sister-friends. I loved having them surround me, laughing and having a carefree night. Just what the doctor ordered!

So what about you? Do you and you friends get together for slumber parties and champagne? I’d love to hear from you!

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