Emoji Birthday Party #nottooold

Y’all… My birthday was last Wednesday. Although it pains me to say this, I turned… 28. I thought it would be a lot worse of a feeling, but thankfully, I just feel the same!

And, I also feel super loved. The reason for the sentiment is because of all of the amazing friends and family I have. Each year (starting with last) I throw a “GIRLS ONLY” sleepover party for my birthday. All my favorite girls come over for the night to watch rom-coms, get chatty, and snack on all-things bad for you, of course. Our significant others do whatever guys do when they get the night off (that would be fishing for my husband).

This year, I wanted to throw an Emoji party. I know what you are thinking… “This girl is going through a quarter life crisis.” However, I do not currently have little ones. And, I also can’t wait on those little ones to throw awesome birthday parties. So, I did it!

I checked out Pinterest for some great ideas that I could put my own spin on, and I think everyone loved it. So much. Check it out!

All of the Emoji decorations came from all over the place. The adorable pillow was found at Walmart for about five bucks! And, I found an Emoji poster at my school’s book fair. I cut all of them out and used them all over the house.

Scentsy Party... And, A New Obsession

A couple of Saturdays ago, I threw a small get-together with close friends and family. Why you ask? My friend from school, Kristin, is an independent consultant for Scentsy. I’ve never tried their products before, but on a planning day a little while ago, she brought all of her amazing scent samples, and all day I smelled amazing smells (and lesson planned…).

I fell in love with everything that came close to my nose, so of course, I wanted to host a party!

She is a busy mommy of two, so I told her I would get everything together for her to just show up, show off her scents, and make some moolah. Because it was just a little party, I didn’t have to decorate too much, but I wanted to be sure that the product was the star of the show.

Happy Late Easter! (And a Recipe, Too)

Hello everyone!

I know this is a bit late, but I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Easter! Jordan, Jack, and my day were filled with a lot of rain (thanks a lot, Florida...), but it was also full of laughter, love, and plenty of food. Nothing can get better than that.

Let Me "Teal" You About a Great Gift Idea

My sister recently celebrated her 26th birthday. I can't believe my baby sister is in her later 20s. That makes me feel incredibly old. My parents probably feel even worse... Ouch.

But, I digress.

Her birthday was on a weekday, sadly. Meaning that she went and worked on one of the best days a person should have. I knew to ease this depressing situation for her I had to secretly get a gift to her office so she could be filled with joy from the beginning of the day. #bestsisterever

I searched and searched for a small, cute present that any twenty-something would enjoy receiving. Then, I found an idea that I knew she would love from the blog, Crazy Little Projects.

It was a goodie Mason jar filled with all things teal and an amazing pun. And, the best part about it was that there was a printable tag for you to attach to your basket, jar, bag, anything! There are different wording options, too, depending on what occasion you want to "teal" your special someone. So dang cute. 

I headed to my nearest Target (only 5 minutes away) and walked up and down each aisle looking for awesome things that matched this darling idea.  Here is what I found, all items I knew she could and would use- always keep that in mind!

-Lindt Truffles with coconut
-bubbles (because why not?)
-notepads and pen
-paper straws
-Sally Hanson nail polish

Lucky You... St. Patrick's Day Freebie

You’ve found your pot o’ gold! In the form of paper.

As we move into the month of March, I can’t help but be a little giddy for St. Paddy’s Day!

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